Q4 2024 Courier Tale Dev Blog

It’s the end of the year and things have happened in recent times, so it looks like we’re doing a Q4 2024 Courier Tale Dev Blog…
Last blog I mentioned a week after I released Courier Tale the video game, that I came up with an idea for a Courier Tale inspired card game. At first I referred to it as “Courier Tale The Card Game”, but soon after I changed the name to “Courier Card”. I think this name works better, as people who might play Courier Card, might not necessarily play Courier Tale. Not long after, I did the first public playtest of Courier Card at a local event called Let’s Break Games which is run by WAGIC. It was good to do this playtest to see what was working and what wasn’t. It’s become apparent that the difference with working on a physical card game vs a video game is most of the work is just playtesting different mechanics, which is something I can only really do with others as it is a multiplayer game. So tools like Tabletop Simulator and events like Let’s Break Games will be essential for continuing development of Courier Card. In fact I haven’t worked on Courier Card since the Let’s Break Games event except one playtest in Tabletop Sim. I think I’ll probably just work on it a bit before each Let’s Break Games event as this is a side project while I work on my next video game. I’ll change up some mechanics each time to see what is going to work best. As is though, there definitely feels like there’s something there, so with some tweaks, it could be a good little card game.

Next up in early December, Courier Tale won the WA Screen Culture Award for Game Design. It’s a cliché but I was just happy to be nominated. In fact I was busy taking a photo of the nomination screen as they were reading out the nominees, expecting that was as good as it was going to get, and then “Courier Tale” was called out as the winner. It was a shock. It’s really cool though to have a physical award to represent four years of hard work, all independent without funding. It might be the only time I ever win an award so gotta make the most of it.

And then a week later it was time for the ANZ Indie Showcase. Courier Tale was featured in this video showcase and I was also interviewed by The Indie Brew for the event, which also coincided with a Steam event. You can check out the interview here…
Courier Tale is currently 20% off as part of the Steam Winter Sale that goes until 2nd January. This is likely the last discount for a couple of months so what better time than now to get (or gift) Courier Tale to play over the holidays. And if you have played Courier Tale, don’t forget to leave a review on the Steam page. Courier Tale only needs a few more reviews to get a ranking, so even one sentence or just one word could really help out.
That about wraps up this quarter of the year, and the year in general. I thought the previous dev blog might be the last one for Courier Tale, and while the game is no longer in development as it is now released, things are still happening with Courier Tale. So maybe THIS is the last Courier Tale dev blog? Feels like a good time to wrap it up but we’ll have to wait and see.
Thanks to everyone who has supported Courier Tale over the past 4 years leading up to its release in 2024. It’s been a long journey, but I hope you enjoy the game.
Looking forward into 2025, I’ll be gradually transitioning my promotion of games to my Studio Kraze social media, so make sure to follow @studiokraze on your favourite social spamming networking, or join the Studio Kraze discord. There will be news of any developments when it comes to Courier Tale and Courier Card including some upcoming events, but also I hope to announce my next video game sometime in 2025. My next video game is not related to Courier Tale, but if you like pixel art and narrative games, you might dig my next game…
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